We are thrilled to announce some exciting UI changes in for the Text Editor. This document will take you through all the functionalities of the new editor.

  • When "Custom Values" icon is clicked it will populate all the options from where you can select the custom values for the template.

  • By clicking on "Trigger Links" you can select from the links available in the dropdown to add in the template.

  • Below mentioned functions are highlighted in the next screenshot
    • Undo
    • Redo
    • Bold
    • Italic
    • Underline
    • Font Type

  • Below mentioned functions are highlighted in the next screenshot
    • Font Size

    • Paragraph Format

    • Line Height

    • Text Color

    • Background Colour

    • Disc List

    • Decimal List

    • Text Align

  • On clicking the more options icon (3 dots) you will be able to select from the below mentioned actions
    • Strike
    • Super Script
    • Sub Script
    • Code
    • Code Block
    • Block Quote
    • Format Selected
    • Format all document

  • When the "Add Link" icon is clicked a new window will open. In this pop up window you can paste the URL or select a trigger link by clicking on the icon in the right. Select the "Action: from Self or New Window and click on Save.

  • When the "Image" icon is clicked a new window will open. In this pop up window you can
    • Add URL of your Image
    • Upload the Image by clicking on the "Upload" button
    • Set the Width and Height
    • Enter an Alternative Text
    • Enter a link you want to open when user clicks on the Image
    • Open Link In - This field is only editable if "Image Action Link" is selected. You can select the link should open in same or different window

  • When the "Source Code" icon is clicked a new window will open. In this pop up window you can see the Source Code for the template and edit the same.