These features provide enhanced control over bulk actions for tags, allowing for more efficient management of contacts. You can easily, add selected tags, remove selected/all tags from selected contacts and restore them when needed.
This feature is currently live via Labs.
Feature 1 - Bulk Add Tags to Selected Contacts
How to:
Step 1: Select a few contacts
Step 2: Click on "Add Tag" bulk action
Step 3: Name the action and select which tags should be added to these contacts; then "Add Tags"
Step 4: Check the progress by clicking on the success percentages.

Feature 2 - Bulk Remove Tags to Selected Contacts
How to:
Step 1: Select a few contacts
Step 2: Click on "Remove Tag" bulk action
Step 3: Name the action and select which tags should be removed to these contacts; or option to remove all tags.
Step 4: Click on "Remove Tags"
Step 5: Check the progress by clicking on the success percentages.

Feature 3 - Restore Removed Tags
How to:
Step 1: Go to Bulk Actions page and click on the kebab menu (3 dots menu) on the right
Step 2: Click on Restore and this will start the restore process
Step 3: The new action would start appearing in the bulk actions page as a new action